Online Gaming& Sports Betting
Creating jobs, boosting state tax revenues, and protecting consumers.
Online gaming is creating jobs, boosting state tax revenues, and spurring technological innovation in states where it is operating. iDEA (iDevelopment and Economic Association) has emerged as the most credible industry group advocating for regulated online gaming and sports betting in the United States. We represent all sectors involved in this growing industry, including operations, development, technology, marketing, payment processing, and law.
iDEA provides a strong and unified advocacy position with political representatives and business groups. Our members regularly meet with key legislators, head regulators, and members of the executive branch in states to advise on practical solutions and a roadmap to a more successful legislative process for online gaming, including providing draft model legislation.
Responsible gaming is a core value of iDEA, and we work directly with influential community groups to educate and address local online gaming and betting concerns. iDEA is often cited in the media, has an active social media presence, and publishes the latest online gaming updates in our Daily News Clips.
iDEA’s groundbreaking research, quantifying the economic impact and assessing the social impact of legal online gaming in the state of New Jersey, includes data from six years of legal, regulated online gaming in the state (white paper available here). From 2013-2019, New Jersey’s online gaming industry generated approximately $259 million in tax revenue and created 6600 new jobs. Land-based casinos also saw overall revenue growth with the introduction of online gaming, which has brought new customers to the casinos and has grown the overall player database. New Jersey’s experience provides valuable lessons for other U.S. states considering online gaming legalization in the future.
We welcome you to join us as we work to grow jobs and expand online gaming business in the United States through advocacy and education.